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After about a thousand years, the new moon is closest to Earth.


After about a thousand years, the new moon is closest to Earth.

According to a report, for the first time after 992 years, the new moon will come closest to the earth on January 21, 2023. On January 21, the new moon will be 221,561 miles away from the earth and the last time this happened was on December 3, 1030. In the report This was reported after examining data from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The new moon is closest to Earth in about a thousand years

This is happening after several centuries / file photo

This is happening after several centuries / file photo

After about a thousand years, the new moon will make its closest approach to Earth.


According to a report, the New Moon will come closest to Earth on January 21, 2023 for the first time in 992 years.



Why do we see the moon in the sky many times during the day?


On January 21, the New Moon will be 221,561 miles from Earth, and it was last seen on December 3, 1030.


The report said this after examining data from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


According to the report, the next new moon will come this close to Earth on January 20, 2368.


So why is the moon coming so close after centuries? So the answer is that the moon is not moving in a uniform circle around the earth.


The Moon's orbit is elliptical and therefore the distance between the Moon and the Earth changes gradually every month.


The point in the Moon's orbit where the Moon comes closest to the Earth is called perigee, while the farthest point is called apogee.

The maximum distance of the Moon from the Earth was observed on January 4, 2023, when the Earth was closest to the Sun.


After about a thousand years, the new moon is coming closest to Earth, but we won't be able to see it, but on January 22nd, you can definitely see Venus and Saturn in conjunction (with binoculars) in the sky.


Similarly, the new moon will also mark the beginning of the Chinese New Year and this is the Year of the Rabbit.

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