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New YouTube Partner Program Contract Terms for all Monetizing Creators


New YouTube Partner Program Contract Terms for all Monetizing Creators


New YouTube Partner Program Contract Terms for all Monetizing Creators

Starting today, we're rolling out new contract terms for all creators

in the YouTube Partner Program.

We recently announced a number of changes

that give creators more ways to join YPP and earn money.

To make these changes possible, we've updated our YouTube Partner Program terms

and all partners need to accept these new terms

to remain in the Program.

We'll walk through what these new terms are, and what actions you need to take when.

Let's dive in.

First, what are the new YouTube Partner Program terms?

We're introducing a new modular structure

that allows for more flexibility to create and earn across different formats.

All YPP creators will need to accept the Base Terms

which are the foundational YouTube Partner Program terms

that include things like how we pay you.

These specific terms are required

for any creator who wants to be in the YouTube Partner Program.

To start earning, creators will also need to accept the terms

for specific monetization modules.

These include: the Watch Page Monetization Module

which lets you earn money from ads served on your long-form videos

and YouTube Premium; the Shorts Monetization Module

which lets you earn money from ads that play between Shorts

in the Shorts Feed and YouTube Premium; and the Commerce Product Addendum

which is for Fan Funding features like channel memberships and Supers.

Note that if you've accepted these specific terms in the past

you won't need to re-accept them.

Creators can decide to accept all or some of these modules

but we encourage you to accept all of them to reach your full earning potential.

Note that even if you're an existing YPP creator

earning money through ads on your long-form videos

you'll still need to accept the Watch Page Module

to keep earning this way.

Next, what actions do creators need to take?

All monetizing creators will have six months to review and accept these new terms.

If you don't accept at least the Base Terms by July 10, 2023

your channel will be removed from the YouTube Partner Program

and you'll need to requalify and reapply to join again.

We also encourage creators to accept these new terms sooner rather than later

so you can start earning from your Shorts as soon as possible.

When Shorts ads revenue sharing starts February 1

it will replace the Shorts Fund.

To be eligible, creators will need to accept the Base Terms

and Shorts Monetization Module by February 1.

If you accept after February 1, Shorts ads revenue sharing will begin

on the date you accept.

These terms will become available for creators in the YouTube Partner Program

over the coming days, and we'll notify you when you can

review and accept in YouTube Studio.

Remember some important dates.

If you accept the Base Terms and Shorts Monetization Module right away

you'll be eligible to earn ads revenue sharing on your Shorts

beginning February 1.

And if terms aren't accepted before July 10, your channel will be removed from YPP.


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