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Pakistan by-elections: Former PM Imran Khan leading in 6 national assembly seats


A big win is being projected for

Pakistan Chief Imran Khan in the Sunday

bipols that were conducted on eight

National Assembly and three provincial

assembly seats Trends show Imran Khan

and his party candidates maintaining

lead in at least eight seats so far and

according to Pakistan media reports the

former prime minister of the country

Imran Khan has managed to sway six out

of the seven National Assembly seats

that he was contesting while PTI

candidates are maintaining a significant

leave in carnival and bawal nagar

constituencies here PTI supporters

they've already started celebrating the



all right

now on Sunday close to 4.5 million

people were supposed to cast their votes

to choose their leaders as 101

candidates from different political

parties including the independence for

contesting the polls across three

provinces Punjab khyberbaktankwa and

Sindh these elections have been seen as

a litmus test for Imran Khan's

popularity who has been at the center of

Pakistan politics since his Aster from

the prime minister's post

imran's Big Win may give a massive boost

to his political turmoil against the

incumbent Sharif government and

according to Media reports the PTI Chief

is also planning a protest march to

Capital Islamabad this month seeking

fresh elections in the country a demand

that has constantly been denied by the

coalition government

now for more on this we're now being

joined by Pakistan bureau chief anas

malikanas thank you for joining us what

is the latest on this how significant do

you think this win will prove to be


well last question first the

significance of this win is there uh

it's uh how you look at it the glass

half full or the glass half empty PTI

has managed to retain six out of its own

eight seats on which the poles were

being held all six have been cringed by

PTI chairperson Imran Khan uh one has uh

the other two on upon one of them he has

lost in Karachi and the other one

the daughter of the former Pakistani


she has also lost her seat to the

People's Party candidate uh Musa gilani

now it's again on the part of the

Pakistan people's party but by and large

given the polarized environment that had

been and he had seen how political

forces had literally ganged up against

Imran Khan so it was seen as a

competition between Imran Khan versus

the Allied government or the Allied

parties clearly in has emotional Victor

given the official or given the pattern

of the inefficient and final count the

that Imran Khan has retained six seats

whereas The People's Party has gained to

him right absolutely honest now we have

seen Imran Khan has been at odds with

the Shabbat Sharif government do you

think Imran Khan will be able to cement

his position further

well yes this will come as a booster uh

especially uh given that the Long March

that was highly talked and anticipated

about uh this will cement his position

going forward that the people will do

still trust him irrespective of whatever

the campaign what he what he calls is a

smear campaign uh was launched against

him and that he has the support and

enjoys the popularity among the masses

uh that would something further solidify

his position going forward and we might

see that his anger or agitation uh uh

converting into something much more

tangible going towards the Long March

which was which is being talked about

for over a month for which Imran Khan

has been going from City to City taking

uh pledges taking Allegiance Oaths uh so

that will definitely come as a moral

booster we got the report or ground

report on the dilem of Imran Khan and

going forward with regards to his long

march but that dilemma would

considerably uh would considerably uh

cut down by a greater number or by a

greater percentage with this win him all

right thank you so much for bringing us

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