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Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn Money 2023 ($2.4 Million PROOF) | Make Money Online

Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn Money 2023 ($2.4 Million PROOF) | Make Money Online

 every single day starting January 2023. as you can see here this channel here is potentially making 2.4 million dollars per month just by uploading YouTube shorts and they're not even filming the videos themselves and potentially they're making here 28.3 million dollars every single year as you can see here YouTube shorts creators will be able to earn share of AD Revenue starting in 2023 which is just a few days away by this point so just a few days away from 2023 you will be able to learn money from YouTube shorts ad Revenue just by uploading YouTube shorts that you don't even have to record them yourself you don't even have to show your face and I'm going to guide you step by step of everything that you have to do to be able to perform this method in 2023 and if you're excited to learn this method go ahead and subscribe to this Channel right now because that's all I do here

on this channel I post three videos just like this one here on the channel every single week teaching you different methods that you can use to make money online and if you're not subscribed you're going to miss the future videos which is going to be a shame because that could have been the video that changed the game for you forever so go ahead and subscribe right now because it is completely free and you can always change your mind later in the future and don't forget to sign up for the subscriber fund which I gave out 50 every single week here to my subscribers

all you have to do to sign up is just scan the QR code on your screen rightnow or go to the link in the description which says subscriber fun and sign up there after you sign up just subscribe to the channel and you're automatically entered to win now let's jump into the method I want to show you exactly step by step all you have to do to create a YouTube shorts channel that generates you thousands of dollars per month and

I'm going to show you exactly what niches you need to go into and where you need to go to get the videos basically I'm gonna hand everything to you in a silver platter so let's go ahead and jump into it because now I want to show you exactly what you're going to be doing to find these little niches that

are highly profitable and have zero

competition so as you can see right here

if you type up hashtag words in the

YouTube search bar is going to bring you

to the YouTube shorts so right now there

are 429 million YouTube shorts in the

YouTube platform using the YouTube

hashtag shorts this is growing in

numbers by millions every single day so

it means that people are catching on but

it's still early in the game I Believe

by the end of 2024 or even next year I

believe there will be over 1 billion

videos in the short shelf so if you

actually scroll down here on this page

you're going to see that there are

little niches that people don't show

their faces there are funny videos there

are pleasurable videos so all you have

to do here is just kind of scroll down

on this page and kind of find those

videos that don't require you to show

your face now there is a special little

niche that if you type in hashtag shorts

plus funny cats so just the First videos

here on on this page are getting

millions and millions of views and we're

talking about the YouTube shorts videos

and not these long form videos here if

you click on the right you're going to

see 2.1

373k 54 million views of videos are

pulling out millions and millions of

views and as you might have imagined

this is a very easy Niche to get into

and I'm going to show you exactly how to

do it without having to film the videos

yourself and like I showed you in the

beginning of the video there's one of

these funny cat videos Panda shorts

which is this channel that you're seeing

on your screen right now they are

pulling out 2.4 million dollars per

month just by posting YouTube shorts now

this Niche here is a low CPM Niche

meaning that they will pay less for each

1000 views but when you're getting

589 million views every 30 days then you

can make up for that low CPM with

millions and millions of views which

means you're going to get paid a lot of

money and that is exactly how this

channel here is making so much money now

I'm going to show you exactly where and

how you need to go to get these videos

like these ones that you just saw right

now the funny cat videos so if you want

to head over to tick tock and you want

to search for funny cats under slash

show just like you're seeing on the

screen right now you might want to pause

the video now and copy this name this is

a tick tock page and they have millions

of millions of views in their videos as

you can see here right off the bat if

you look at their page you're going to

see that they have minions 1.7 1.5 14k

273 1.3 million views I just use the

sort The Tick Tock videos to see the

highest viewed ones and you can see here

they came right up and they have

millions and millions of views on these

videos so what we're going to do right

now we're going to choose the most

popular video here which is this 1.7

million video which is this angry cat

that you know when you give him some

food in it it just gets calm and it's a

pretty funny video and now what we can

do to this video is take this video and

modify it to make it our own so the way

that we're going to be doing that is you

want to copy the link here where my

mouse is at on the right hand side just

click here several times to make sure

it's copied and copy this link and what

this is going to do it's going to copy

the link for this video that you're

seeing on your screen right now and also

it's shows a watermark from a page that

you don't own so we need to make this

our own so I'm going to show you how to

get rid of this Watermark and then

customize this video to a more reaction

Style video totally copyright free and

we can then upload it and start making

money with it so the way we're going to

be doing that is you want to head off to

google.com and you want to type in

download Tick Tock video without

Watermark the first website that is

going to pop up is called synaptic.app

you want to click on this first one and

you want to paste the link for the video

that you just copied on Tick Tock right

here you just right click and click

paste and then you want to click this

green button which says download after

you do that this is what you're going to

see and you want to click download again

here in this blue button and as you can

see the video has now been downloaded

without a watermark no copyright into my

PC so now we can get this video and we

can modify it and we can edit it so now

what we're going to do is we're going to

go here on canva which is a free

software which is online anyone can use

which will allow us to edit it and

modify this video and it's pretty simple

to use and I'm going to show you how to

do it you're going to search here for

mobile video what you're going to do is

just click here on videos and then you

want to select mobile video when you

select mobile video it's going to open a

different window now what you want to do

is just drag and drop that video here

into canva so I'm going to grab my video

I'm going to drag and drop it here on

canva and as you can see it's already

here we can do whatever we want with it

it doesn't have a watermark if your

video is looking like mine here all you

have to do is just click on the borders

and stretch it out until it fills out

the whole frame like this and then what

we will do is we're going to modify this

video so what we'll do is we're going to

go to elements lines and shapes and what

we'll do is we're going to take this

rectangle here or a square I'm just

going to use this one and I'm going to

drag and drop it here into the top of

the video and I'm just going to stretch

it out so it fills the entire video

frame here but not covering the text

right here on the top and what I'm going

to do now is I'm just going to Ctrl C

and control V to create a second one I'm

gonna take this one here to the bottom

and I'm Gonna Leave two blank spaces one

on the top and one on the bottom you can

do the same thing so what we're going to

do right now is we're going to put some

text so we're gonna add a subheading to

the video and to add a subheading all

you have to do is come here on the left

select text and select add a subheading

just click on it and it should appear on

your video and what we're going to do

now to this text is we're going to make

it bold and we're going to change the

text to how funny is this and then we're

going to put a question mark to ask a

question and then we're going to move it

up here and then we're also going to add

a new subheading so we're going to copy

this one and paste just like we did to

the white frame and then we're going to

bring it down here to this second white

frame of the video and then we're going

to change this text to rate one to ten

rate one to ten comment on this post and

then you can just move it a little bit

so it shows on the video make this

longer so it's going to fit and boom

that is it and what this is going to do

is it's going to get people to watch the

this video and when they watch the video

they're also going to rate it one to ten

so now you're also getting comments on

your video creating even more engagement

on this post that was created by you and

the cool thing that they don't know is

when they're commenting this video while

they're commenting is going to be

playing on a background and it's going

to be looping giving you that sweet

watch time and the more watch time you

have the more money you're going to make

with these YouTube shorts and if you

understand about YouTube what makes a

video go viral is watch time and click

through rate and in the case of YouTube

shorts if you have a very high watch

time this makes it highly likely that

this video here is going to go viral

which means more and more revenue for

you more subscribers and more views all

we have to do is we need to press share

here on the top right corner of the

video and then we need to click download

to download this video to our computer

just click download Once More on this

purple button right here this is the

edited video that you edited it is now

fully yours has no watermarks and no

copyright and then we're gonna go over

to YouTube and what we're going to do

now is we're going to create and upload

just click create and then you want to

upload video and after you click upload

video you should see this screen that

I'm seeing on my screen right now and

now all you have to do is just drag and

drop the video that you edited into this

page so I'm just going to drag and drop

it right here just let go now the video

is being uploaded to YouTube and then

after that we can start changing and

optimizing the video so what we're going

to do now is we're going to first name

the video so angry cat goes soft after

being fed by its owner hashtag shorts

we're going to do this hashtag short so

we can pop out on the short shelves you

just want to select the first hashtag

here and we can also copy this and paste

it into the description of the video and

by doing this we're building that

metadata and we're giving more

information to the YouTube platform that

way YouTube knows exactly what this

video is about and we can even scroll

down here to the hashtags of the video

the keywords and we can optimize the

keywords of this video and right here

what this does is is it optimizes this

video for search so if someone's

searching for a type of funny cat video

then if we optimize it with your exact

keywords it makes it more likely that

people are going to find your video so

when you optimize it here when someone

searches like funny cat videos your

video is going to pop up at the top so

we're going to write things like funny

cat video angry cat goes soft and then

we can do something like um you know

funny cats funny cat videos just

different types of the same thing that

makes it more likely that people will

find your video when they search on the

YouTube search bar now after you do this

you don't need to add a thumbnail all

you have to do here is just set that

it's not made for Kids Click next next

next and it is going to be published to

the YouTube platform and now it's going

to go viral in the YouTube shorts now if

you want to learn from me exactly what I

did in my channel to grow from zero to

two hundred thousand subscribers how to

build all of this using my help me

teaching you directly go ahead and check

YouTuber Pro the link is down in the

description of this video that is my

teaching program and in there I teach

all the secrets tips hacks and tricks

that I use in my own YouTube channel to

grow from zero to 200 000 subscribers in

less than six months and bear in mind my

channel is in finance and I'm making

forty thousand dollars every single

month just from my YouTube channel if

you want to learn how you can

potentially do the same and learn

directly from me go ahead and check out

YouTuber Pro in the description I will

see you inside now more than ever video

content is in very very high demand so I

would not miss out if you want to start

2023 with the right foot and be able to

live life on your terms next year how

many times have you broken a promise to

yourself that your life would change

next year and you never took action on

it now is the time go ahead and click

the link in the description and go check

out YouTuber Pro right now and now

before I leave you I want to teach you a

second strategy that you can use to make

even more money when posting these

videos and if you go to this website

here ClickBank dot com you are going to

find lots and lots of products that you

can offer as an affiliate and also when

people watch your video you can make

sales and make even more money from all

those people that are watching your

video so I have a full video here on the

channel explaining everything that you

need to do to be able to use ClickBank

to make a lot of money so let's say you

got your affiliate link all you had to

do is go back to the page where you

posted your video get your affiliate

link copy and paste it here so in my

situation here I'm using my YouTuber Pro

link so what I could do in this

situation here is add something like do

you want to learn how to build a money

generating machine on YouTube go check

out YouTuber Pro and I could just leave

my affiliate link here in the

description for people to check out my

products and a percentage of them of

course not all of them are going to buy

it but let's say millions of people view

your video a percentage of those people

are going to click and they're going to

take you up on that offer making you a

lot more money than just the Google

AdSense which is also going to be a lot

and if you don't know how much you can

earned from all of these and they don't

know how to use ClickBank I'm going to

explain to you what you have to do but

first go ahead and comment YouTube

shorts in the comments of this video so

that I know that you appreciated this

video up until this point and if you

want to see the video of how to create

and use ClickBank to make a lot of money

and how to make money using these

YouTube shorts go ahead and click one of

the two videos that you're seeing on

your screen right now and you will see

me there on that next video I'll see you

there work hard play harder


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