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How To Apply For YouTube Shorts Monetization & Earn Money From YouTube Shorts (2023)


I'm just about to reveal how you can apply for the YouTube shorts monetization an make money by posting faceless YouTubers in 2023 so let's get started now  and I'm talking about the fact that starting with February 1st 2023 YouTube shorts will be monetized meaning that you will be able to display ads in the same way you display ads on longer videos on YouTube and get paid in ad revenue on a monthly basis that's a pretty cool thing in and of itself but here's how it works you see back in the day.

 if you wanted to monetize a YouTube channel you needed to have at least 1 000 subscribers in 4000 hours of watch time and that was it as long as your content also complied with the community guidelines and all of that you can monetize your channel start displaying ads on your videos and get paid in ad Revenue but starting with February 1st things will change you still need to have those 1000 subscribers on your channel that is mandatory but when it comes to the second Condition it's either or you don't need to have both of these you only need to have one in other words

it's not necessary to have 40 000 hour of watch time anymore as long as yo have 10 million YouTube shorts video over the last 90 days then you're goo to go you can monetize your channel.

become part of the YouTube Partner program you're eligible for monetisation

and that is Major news because up unit recently the only way you can monetise

these YouTube shorts was by getting paifrom the YouTube shorts font now truth

be told there was a lot of money on thtable this was a 100 million dollar fund

designed to reward creators for thei contribution but the way it worked was

very unpredictable you cannot reall tell ahead of time how much money you

are going to make again it was very

unpredictable but when it comes t displaying ads on your videos that is a

lot more simple and that's great now I' recording this video on the 13th of

January 2023 and as you can see here i starting in mid-January newly eligible

creators will be able to join th YouTube Partner program by either having

1000 subscribers and 4 000 hours o watch time or meeting the second

criteria so let's see what that means

well guys if I head over to my Creato dashboard on YouTube studio and then I

switch over to the earn section you'r gonna notice that something has changed

here when it comes to the ways you ca earn first off there are the watch page

ads these are basically the standard ads that you would display on your longer

videos right and as you can see it is active now you can also monetize your

Channel with memberships shopping and all sorts of other bonus features here

but we are not interested in that so

let's not get sidetracked what we're interested in are the shorts feed ads

these are the ads you're gonna display

on your YouTube shorts so what you want to do is click on get started now in

order to enable this feature you will need to review and accept the updated

partner program terms first so let's just review and accept them as you can

spot it's a two-step process in which

you would have to read this and accept

their terms once you're done with that you need to click on the submit button

and you are good to go and as you can see we are on the other side now this is

where we can earn from Those ads and YouTube premium as well in the short

speed the next thing you need to do is click on turn on then scroll down to the

very bottom of this page click onaccept the shorts feed terms and then

accept and there you go we are all set

starting with February 1st 2023 all your

shorts views will automatically be

considered for short ad Revenue sharing

you will also earn revenue on a YouTube

premium subscriber watches your content

and that's it that's literally all you

have to do in order to turn this on but

the process went that smoothly because

my channel is already monetised it

already meets the first criteria here of

1000 subscribers and 40 000 hours of

watch time if you're not there yet you

need to meet one of these two criteria

in order to turn on this feature I hope

that is clear but here's the problem I

do understand the fact that not each one of you watching this video is willing to  show their face on camera record these

videos fool around complete ceiling challenges do silly dances and I do

understand I would personally not do it I don't think it's worth it but if you

still want to take advantage of the

YouTube shorts monetization and make

money on YouTube without having to fool

around well there's a far better way to

do it and I've actually got a clear case

study here that we can learn from

however before we can move any further

we need to understand something else

about YouTube shorts here's the thing

about this shorts monetization program

it doesn't work with content that is not

yours so if you're just going to

download some clips off of tick tock or

some YouTube stories from other creators

and upload those on your channel that's

not gonna work because it's not original

content it's not your work you're just

stealing other people's work and just

lying that it's yours it doesn't work

like that most videos on the internet

are protected by some sort of copyright

policy so you can never use other

people's content but that brings me to

the concept of fair use you see this is

a type of Licensing that allows you to

reuse other people's content as long as

you're adding some contribution to that

either by review viewing their content

adding a commentary adding some

criticism this is a whole different

concept so even though you're not

allowed to just re-upload other people's

content you can use it as long as you're

also adding your own unique touch here's

a very clear example of that let's just

say that you pick one of my videos this

one for instance and you do a reaction

video to mine well that is a lot YouTube

does allow that you can just turn on

your face cam place it in the corner of

your screen and that's it that video can

be monetized and likewise we can do a

very similar thing with YouTube shorts

but instead of me talking about it let

me actually show you what it looks like

this channel right here called Dylan

Anderson is the best example of that is

taking full advantage of the fair use

policy let me play one of these videos

for a few seconds when this girl was

singing her version of All of Me by John

Legend in the streets of Boston John

Legend himself showed up out of nowhere

and as you can see he's simply narrating

these viral videos he's not trying to be

funny he's not trained to be

entertaining or engaging or do anything

crazy and stand out he's literally

watching these videos a few times

perhaps checking the comment section for

some additional information about that

specific video and now he's just

narrating exactly what's happening he's

helping people understand what's going

on there it seems like a very simple

concept but it is extremely effective

and as you can see people absolutely

love these videos if we take a moment to

look at some of his most popular uploads

some of these clips have tens of

millions of views and that's for a good

reason these videos were already virally

in the first place so they are already

getting engagement they're already

getting likes and shares and all that

and he's just adding a commentary so

you're literally taking a viral video

making it even better and then uploading

it on your channel of course it's gonna

work but up until recently the only way

he could make money with this channel

was by getting paid by the YouTube

shorts fan which again was very

unpredictable it wasn't really the best

way to monetize your channel to be

honest but starting with February 1st

I'm pretty sure he's gonna make a lot of

money if we take a look at his stats

he's basically getting

473 million views on his YouTube shorts

on a monthly basis that's 473 million

just imagine that now truth be told I do

not really know what kind of RPM these

YouTube shorts will get because this is

still something new so we need to wait

and see but even if they only get an RPM

of one dollar let's say or even 50 cents

that's still a lot of money let's do the

math in case you're not familiar with

the concept RPM stands for Revenue per

meal or per 1000 views and this is how

you can calculate a YouTube Channel's

earnings let you see that he's getting

paid 50 cents per 1000 views so I'm just

gonna multiply 0.5 by


694 and that is about

236 thousand dollars a month in ad

Revenue even if it only gets half of

that that's still over one hundred

thousand dollars and that's with a 25

cent RPM I'm pretty confident it's gonna

be a little bit higher than that but

we'll see what is for sure is that there

are endless possibilities here and even

if you're not a content creator but

you're a thumbnail artist you're a video

editor or you focus on voiceover acting

as YouTube shorts becomes bigger and

bigger and people post more and more

content thanks to the new monetization

rules there will be new job openings

there's a lot of money on the table for

everyone in the content creation space

no matter if you're a freelancer or

you're a content creator and you have

your own channel now I do understand the

fact that getting 10 million views over

90 days may sound a little bit difficult

and it's not easy it's not gonna happen

overnight but a few viral videos can get

you there it takes consistency you need

to trust the process and keep uploading

on a daily basis or multiple times a day

to get there but if you're serious about

it and if you're doing your best I'm

pretty sure you can get there rather

fast also if your channel is already

monetized keep in mind that you don't

need to do anything else you can start

posting shorts and they are already

monetized by default because you you're

already part of the YouTube Partner

program right there's just something to

keep in mind what is for sure is that

you now know how the monetization works

when it comes to short clips on YouTube

so you can take advantage of that that's

it for now and thanks for watching

English (auto-generated)


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