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How To Make Money With Notion Templates In 2023 (For Beginners)

 How To Make Money With Notion Templates In 2023 (For Beginners)

 How To Make Money With Notion Templates In 2023 (For Beginners)

I'm just about to reveal how regular people are making a fortune by selling notion templates online so let's get started now in case you're not familiar with notion this is a platform that allows you to organize every aspect of your life and I'm not throwing words around the thing about notion is that these guys allow you to create specific templates for very specific purposes. that can be tracking activities related to your work to personal development or whatever other projects you happen to be working on there are literally countless different ideas that you can bring to life here we're talking about journalist you can create the notion habit task tracker so that you can Implement a new habit or you can use notion either to keep student notes but these were just very basic examples there's a lot more that you can do and that is precisely where the opportunity lies because once you create the notion template that

serves a very specific purpose chances are that template might actually benefit

some other people as well so you can sell it online for other people to use

and just to give you guys a little bit more perspective as to how much money

we're talking about how much money there is on the table I've got a few different

case studies lined up so we can study what they've done and hopefully learn

something from their story the first one of which is this Twitter profile right

here they've got a little bit over 240 000 followers which is already quite impressive but what's really impressive is that they made over 200 000 online in

2022 and they're just 20. but this guy didn't start as a notion seller he

started as a regular user who is taking advantage of notion to keep track of

their personal finances as you can see he created a notion page to keep track

of personal finances as his firstproject and then he took to notion communities on Facebook Reddit and Discord to share a screenshot of his

setup people absolutely love that and they started asking for the template

because they also wanted to use that now a notion template is a notion page that

can be duplicated to other people's account right so they can also use it it

and fill it out with their information and that was the start of his business

Endeavor basically built a one-person

business from zero to four hundred thousand dollars in two years and that

is quite impressive something else that stands out about notion is that no

coding is required here it's a very

user-friendly interface so it shouldn't

be too difficult to learn how to use it

properly and here's another success

story we're talking about this YouTuber

called Thomas Frank who's also selling

notion templates quite successfully to

say the least if we actually look it up

and we connect to thomasgfrank.com we

can see a few of his most popular

templates in some of these are actually

great ideas and that's the thing about

it look at this create this companion

the ultimate template for Content

creators this is pretty similar to

Trello if you ask me look at this each

and every single one of these cards

represents a different video idea and so

multiple different team members can

collaborate on these and add their input

you can attach files you can use tags

you you can keep things organized here's

another one the ultimate note-taking

template for a notion this is pretty

cool too but as you can tell it is a

little bit more generic however you can

also go more specific you can create an

ocean template for a very very narrow

Niche such as this one right here a

manga's game tracker template for an

ocean so you can actually track the game

and track exactly what's happening there

while you're playing a mangas with your

friends that is a pretty cool idea to

say the least and you can get the

template for free by the way here's

another one video project tracker

template for notion as you can see it

all boils down to how creative you are

and how good you are at finding

Solutions you saw I would personally

start using notion I would try to use it

for my work you see every once in a

while it becomes rather difficult to

keep things organized so whenever that

happens I would connect to notion and

let me try to set up a template that is

useful for me in that specific instance

because that's how you make sure it's

actually got utility to it you don't

just want to start from scratch you want

to build something that you can actually

use and chances are there are a lot of

other people out there who could also

benefit from that template that's how

you get started now when it comes to

using the software there are countless

tutorials on YouTube that are free of

charge which will show you everything

you need to know about the software from

setting up an account to using it

properly even notion has a YouTube

channel and they are posting updates

every once in a while this may not be

the best one for tutorials though what I

would do is just look up notion tutorial

for beginners or something like that and

I can assure you there are countless

different complete tutorials you can

follow however you don't just want to

follow these videos but the thing is you

cannot really learn only by watching you

gotta learn while doing so as soon as

you watch one of these tutorials you

want to take that information and put it

into practice but there is more to it

than that you see in order to sell these

templates you need to find the

marketplace that allows you to upload

them and if you do a little bit of

research you're gonna find a few of them

the first thing you can do is start

selling on gumroad and these guys will

be give you a lot of freedom when it

comes to selling digital products so we

shouldn't be too difficult to set that

up again you can find a lot of tutorials

on how to sell on gumroad alternatively

you may want to go for a more specific

marketplaces that are focusing on notion

templates because there are such

websites out there one of them is called

notionary and the other one is called

Product hunt and this is what they look

like this is over at producthun.com and

you can actually start searching for

templates and this right here is

notionary we can actually see the number

one product of the day let's actually

take a look at that and see what kind of

templates are the best sellers what you

can do once you're here is click on

explore templates and that will allow

you to start browsing some of these are

really really cool I mean you've got a

Twitter operating system for creators

here this one is called second brain and

it's free of charge you've got the

content creation Hub here which would be

pretty useful for optimizing my videos I

guess and the list goes on and on there

is no limit to what you can create on

notion it's all up to how creative you

are but if we take a step back and

actually look at this process in

perspective we're gonna notice that

these two notion sellers have something

in common apart from the fact that they

are selling notion templates both of

them have a pretty big social media

following I mean Thomas Frank here has

got 2.8 million subscribers on YouTube

which is quite impressive and though our

Twitter guy has over 240

000 followers which again is a pretty

substantial number and so what they've

done masterfully is they have leverage

social media Platforms in order to build

credibility once you have a massive

following like that people will trust

you and it gives the impression that

you're an expert sometimes even if

you're not just the fact that you

managed to get so many followers gives

you a lot of credibility and if you

think about it in wherever there is

traffic there is money to be made so if

you're serious about this side hustle or

business model however you want to call

it which is selling notion templates

apart from learning how to actually

create them and where to to sell them

you can also focus on putting out

content with the sole purpose of

building a following people will start

following you they will get accustomed

to your content and you can redirect

that traffic to your notion templates

that are listed for sale here's

something that you probably didn't know

you see the second largest search engine

on Earth is not being it's not Yahoo

it's YouTube as a matter of fact it gets

about 3 billion searches per month which

is more than all of their competitors

combined and just think about it for a

second whenever you're in doubt about a

specific topic and you're searching for

the answers you're probably gonna

perform a Google search or you're gonna

look for a video on YouTube a tutorial I

mean look at this I can simply type in

something like how to set up notion in

YouTube is going to display all of these

relevant search results that people are

looking up how to set up notion on iPad

how to set up notion home page planner

calendar and the list goes on and on the

thing about it is that people are

constantly searching for these topics so

if you can be the one to answer their

questions you can monetize that

attention you can hijack some of that

traffic and redirect it to your notion

templates does that make sense let's

just imagine this somebody searches for

how to set up a notion homepage so

they're already playing around with

notion they are already interested well

if you have a video on that topic that

explains in very simple words in a very

straight to the point manner how to set

up an ocean homepage you can simply list

some of your templates in the

description and people will be

interested in that you will most likely

generate some sales and you can repeat

that same exact process for any other

keyword how to set up notion aesthetic

or calendar on mobile and so on and so

forth you got a point here what I'm

trying to say is that posting content is

a great way to build a social media

presence and credibility because that's

what this is all about people won't

really buy from you unless you're a

credible source so instead of focusing

on creating the best notion templates

the most Revenue missionary ones trained

to come up with new ideas you can just

focus on branding and then your notion

templates can just be average and as

long as you have a good personal brand

people will still buy them but I'm gonna

leave that up to you at the end of the

day you are free to pick your own

approach but you now know how to sell

notion templates for a profit so you've

got everything you need to make this

work that's it for now and thanks for


English (auto-generated)


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